The District Mall
06.12.2018, 09:46

The District shopping mall is a cutting-edge retail complex, with indoor and outdoor restaurants and coffee shops, Furniture Stores, Cinemas & Showrooms.

The District Shopping Mall is situated near Cairo Airport and stretches over 194,000 SQM. The project is owned by Wadi Degla City for Urban Development With its unique location and atmosphere, the mall will be a landmark for Heliopolis area and the main hang out for both families and youngsters. - Excellent Accessibility from main roads. - On-site FREE Car Parking. - Unparalleled Event Location and Venue - Multiple amenities for club members and for the external-population. The District brings in a stunning variety of restaurants, shopping outlets,escape rooms, a Kids Park and combination of other facilities in addition to Wadi Degla Sports Club all in one place where kids and teens can have fun all the same as their families without having to worry about their children.
The Fascinating landscape of coffee shops, restaurants and shopping outlets by the lake
Esseily Concert- Spring 2018
The District is also famous for their events covering all traditional and new frenzy occasions, redrawing the smile on your face each time with a different cozy atmosphere, activities for all family members, performances and more.
Halloween 2017
Full mall theme is changed along with each campaign to let you experience a different form of happiness with each occurring event.
Christmas 2017
Whether you are a fan of summer or winter, food or activity enthusiast, loves indoor or open areas, horror or adventure, shopping is your life or a chilling person, The District is the place for you.
Категория: Malls | Добавил: Agnabeyainfo
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